Disability Royal Commission, Connecting Cultures, the Landscape of First Nations & Disability

By Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

In this episode, Susan talks with Jake Briggs, a seasoned disability advocate, Managing Director of CultureConnex, and host of the podcast, Keep Rolling with Jake Briggs.

Jake shares his advocacy journey, his involvement in service provision, and his support for First Nations People during the Disability Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect, and Exploitation of People with Disability. The discussion extends to The Voice Referendum, highlighting the far-reaching consequences of misinformation and the lack of education for individuals with disabilities residing in diverse areas across Australia, including metropolitan, regional, rural, and remote areas.

Additionally, Susan and Jake explore the recommendations stemming from the Disability Royal Commission—a comprehensive 4-year collection and investigation of violence, abuse, neglect, and exploitation within the disability community. What positive impacts have these recommendations yielded? What expectations surround their implementation? After a brief interlude, you can listen to the full episode using the YouTube player below, via the Spotify player above, or by selecting your preferred podcast platform from the list provided at the bottom.

Trigger warning: this episode discusses sexual and physical abuse of people with disabilities, and listening discretion is advised.

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This episode has been written, produced, and edited by Susan Wood, with logo art by Cobie Ann Moore.

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is a for-purpose organisation supporting people with spinal cord injuries and other neurological conditions. For more information about our supports and services, visit our Resource Hub.

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