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Lara Grimson at hydrotherapy

The Bucket List: What Do I Wish For In Five Years Time?

Dear Future Me, In five years, I want to tick everything off my bucket list. I want to meet lots


Living with Cerebral Palsy: Prioritising Exercise & Movement

Around 34,000 Australians are living with Cerebral Palsy, a disability that affects a person’s posture, balance and ability to move.


Elise’s journey to independence

It’s fair to say Elise* has always been at the heart and soul of her community. But one day, on

Celebrating Strength in Community: Recognising the community of carers, friends and families after an SCI

Two-thirds of people with spinal cord injury agree that ‘the role of family in terms of emotional, physical and financial

I’m a person with disability and experiencing domestic violence

NSW Department of Communities and Justice has put together information for people with physical, intellectual, psychiatric and sensory who are

Self Defence for People with Disabilities

Self-defence is important for everyone. Here are some resources we've found that may help you develop your skills to feel

Royal Rehab’s Sexuality Service

The Royal Rehab Sexuality Service in Ryde, New South Wales is a multi-disciplinary team of psychosexual therapists, speech pathologists, occupational

Locomotor Training, more than just a shiny tool for SCI Recovery

Often, exercise comes in the form of structured and intensive exercise therapies. One such modality is Locomotor Training (LT) and

A Crash Course in Pain Management

Why does pain exist? Pain is our bodies natural response to sensory input that causes us to withdraw from potentially


Newcastle’s Journey to Better Tourist Accessibility

If you want to go somewhere different, just a couple of hours outside Sydney is Newcastle in New South Wales.