Inclusion Workshops
Tailored to Your Industry
Lived Experience Inclusion Workshops
Part of SCIA’s Inclusion Training, Inclusion Workshops are tailored to meet your business needs. We have experience delivering inclusion training to a range of businesses including legal firms, airlines, retail, government departments, schools, and hospitals.
Our inclusion team will use their lived experience to share why and how to offer an accessible space and an inclusive welcome for people with physical disability. Workshops cover the following key topic areas:
- Why is it important to be inclusive and accessible?
- About physical disability
- What an accessible space looks like
- What an inclusive welcome looks like
- What you can do now for little or no cost.
- Planning for the future. An ideal solution.
The training can be delivered face to face or online.
Speak to one of our team about your training needs today by emailing us.
Undertaking Inclusion Training with SCIA was a transformative experience for McGregor Coxall. The firsthand perspective shared by Robert [SCIA] with lived experience in public realm design was impactful, educational, and eye-opening. Hearing about individual experiences was invaluable and was delivered in a forum that was both engaging and open.
SCIA’s expertise on how our public spaces are designed (and not to mention, humour!) helped us better understand how we as designers can reinforce more equitable outcomes within our cities.
We are grateful for their partnership and highly recommend SCIA’s Inclusion Training to organisations seeking to create a more equitable world.
Together, we can make a difference in fostering social inclusion and accessibility for all.
George Panos, Chief Executive Officer, McGregor Coxall