Building Strength in Every Step: Jules’ Journey with NeuroMoves

NeuroMoves client Jules on a treadmill

“In the fourteen years that I have been disabled, I believe I am stronger now and able to do more than I ever could. I have been given ability within my disability.” Busy Wife, Mother, Grandmother and incomplete Paraplegic, Jules has been a NeuroMoves client for 2 years. She acquired her disability following an excision […]

Your Opinion Matters: A Survey on Air Travel for People with Disabilities

SCIA has put this survey on air travel together to better understand wheelchair users’ experiences in using air travel in Australia. There have been several media reports recently highlighting this issue. If you have flown recently, we’d like to know about your experience, good or bad. The survey should only take approximately 15 minutes if […]

Disability Doesn’t Discriminate Campaign

If you listened to our latest episode of Have The Nerve you would have heard about the differences in aged care funding for older Australians with a disability, with particular focus on funding if you are ineligible for the NDIS. In the episode Megan, from our Policy and Advocacy team, spoke about how aged care […]