
Bladder and Bowel
Peer Support Education Series: Bladder and Bowel Care with Coloplast

Education Series Bladder and Bowel slide

Bladder and Bowel
Peer Support Education Series: Bladder and Bowel Care with Coloplast


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Education Series Bladder and Bowel slide

Bladder and Bowel Care is often a sensitive subject and is even sometimes viewed as an embarrassing or even taboo topic to discuss, but it is vitally important. It is one arguably the most significant secondary health impact of SCI, so knowing how to take care of your bladder and bowel is a vital skill to have.

This online education session is in collaboration with Coloplast to give you the skills and confidence to manage your bladder and bowel by yourself.

If you would like to know more about our Peer and Family Support Team visit

