
Accessible Travel
Microadventures: an easy way to push past your comfort zone

RH 42

Accessible Travel
Microadventures: an easy way to push past your comfort zone


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
RH 42

Microadventures: an easy way to push past your comfort zone, New Mobility Sept 2018

In his best-selling book, Microadventures: Local Discoveries for Great Escapes, the British author and adventurer Alastair Humphreys describes adventure as, “A state of mind, a spirit of trying something new and leaving your comfort zone. Adventure is stretching yourself mentally, physically or culturally. It is about doing something you do not normally do, pushing yourself hard and doing it to the best of your ability. You do not need to be an elite athlete, expertly trained, or rich to have an adventure.” The concept is especially appealing for the disability community because it shows that adventure is relative — your level of function, personal finances and how much free time you have don’t really matter. What matters is that you break out of your normal routine, whatever your “normal” is, push yourself a little, and find a little fun and maybe even some extra confidence in the process. Seth McBride has some suggestions for microadventuring, based on where you might do them — in the city, wilderness or wherever.

