Check out SCIA’s services in 2022!

SCIA is committed to continuing to provide our community with holistic support, no matter where you are. If you’ve been interested in our services and want to know more, make the resolution to connect with us in 2022! 

Here is a snippet of what we will be offering:

February 22, 2022 – Engage Program

Engage is a free online, group-based program offered by SCIA for people with an acquired disability that explores meaning and purpose with the support from a dedicated coach. Email us to register your interest.


We have had amazing results from our clients who have participated in our NeuroMoves telehealth service during COVID lockdown and beyond! Access our NeuroMoves programs anywhere in Australia! Click here to find out more.​


EmployAbility empowers people with a physical disability to get into the workforce and engage in meaningful work no matter where you are. Our specialised service helps guide, prepare, connect and support job seekers with the help of an Employment Coach. This program is free for all participants who sign up before December 31, 2021. Click here to find out more.

Update: Our Free Introductory Offer has been extended until January 31st, 2022!

We look forward to supporting our community more in 2022!

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