We’re introducing Have The Nerve Shorts – the short episodes between the long ones – where we talk about things From The Internet, you can Get To Know Your Body and there might be even Something To Think About.
In this episode Physiotherapist Colbey Van Leeuwen talks about what shoulder health means and why it’s so important you know the right way to take care of them.
NeuroMoves is a specialised exercise service for people with neurological conditions and physical disabilities. Our team of Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists want to increase your independence, health and wellbeing and help you work towards your goals, no matter how big or small.
If you want more information visit our NeuroMoves page.
Don’t have a streaming player? You can watch it on our Youtube channel under Podcasts!
Credits: Susan Wood has written, produced and edited this episode. Logo art by Cobie Ann Moore.
Spinal Cord Injuries Australia is a for-purpose organisation that supports people with a spinal cord injury and other neurological conditions.