While we are still in a COVID-19 flux of lockdowns between states, you may be considering where to go for a holiday, local to you, once restrictions ease.

You are actually well positioned to take advantage of the quieter winter and spring months to travel. Kerry Williams from Accessible Accommodation and Accessible Experiences shares her reasons why you should consider it.

Oh, the crowds!

Hate crowds? Me too! It’s quite daunting especially if you are a wheelchair user, to navigate the crowds during summer.
Wouldn’t it be great if people looked down when walking? With less crowds jostling for the view, winter travel is far more enjoyable.
After all, your getaway should be stress free don’t you think?

Grab a bargain.

In general, winter rates are around 30% less than for the rest of the year. In fact, peak Christmas is the most expensive time of the year to travel, with rates generally 50 to 60% higher!
Often the casual staff finish up in the cooler months, and the owners as well as long-term staff stay on in winter. As a result, the service level is better.

Feeling Cosy – go hygge!

Winter is for snuggles, nanna naps, a good book and an open fire. Sightseeing can be exhausting for some. Often, we pack a whole lot into our holidays, not wanting to miss a thing but return home feeling like the holiday wasn’t relaxing.

A restful break can be quite healing and rejuvenating, especially when you find a place to stay that offers a cosy feeling. The idea of just being in the moment, hibernating and resting. Or, as the Norwegians say, “go hygge!”  Hygge is about feeling happy and relaxed, while enjoying the simple pleasures in life.

Temperature sensitivity.

The most common reason our guests give us for a winter getaway is temperature sensitivity or being unable to regulate their temperature due to their disability.

My mum has Multiple Sclerosis (MS), and it flares up when Sydney weather heats up, so we have always booked our holidays in the cooler months.

Whitney Bailey from Able Thrive wrote a very helpful article on body temperature regulation. As Alicia Regan said, “The thermostat that helps heat up our bodies and cool down our bodies is located through our spinal cord. So, when you have injured your spinal cord, it messes all that up.” We have found that it is more common in Australia for accommodation to offer good heating that good air-conditioning. 

Comfort food.

Whilst firing up that barbeque is signature summer pastime for Aussies, there’s something comforting about a good stew or hot soup. It is also exceedingly difficult to mess up!

If you are like me, who manages to burn everything, my culinary reputation was saved when living in France when learned to make winter-friendly meals such as Beef Bourguignon. My Aussie visitors kept asking,  ”Kerry, are you sure YOU cooked this? It’s amazing!” The secret is to add more red wine than the recipe says. Trust me, it works.

If you are inspired to book a getaway, even if it’s just in your local state, here are Kerry’s top recommendations for Accessible Accommodation:

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