On 15 March 2022, the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development and Communications published the Stage 2 Consultation Regulation Impact Statement (RIS) for Reform of the Disability Standards for Accessible Public Transport 2002 (Transport Standards). The Consultation RIS includes regulatory and non-regulatory reform options for 54 areas of the Transport Standards, including major reforms and minor updates.
The Consultation RIS is open for public feedback from 15 March to 9 August 2022.
The Australian Government is seeking views on the Stage 2 reform areas, including how these issues and proposed options impact you (such as costs and benefits associated with the reforms), and whether the proposed options would improve public transport accessibility for people with disability.
You can respond to the Consultation RIS and share your experience:
- by uploading a response to the Consultation RIS at the Have Your Say page
- in writing, in video or audio recording by email to DisabilityTransport@infrastructure.gov.au
- by telephone (free call) to 1800 621 372
- through an online survey from the list below.
- by attending a public consultation event (webinar or community workshop) from 17 June to mid-July 2022. Visit Stage 2 Reforms—Public Consultations for further information on public consultation events.