Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) welcomes the NSW State Government move to invest $15M into spinal cord injury research over 5 years. There are exciting developments happening in Australia and around the globe, and investment in research that helps to improve the lives of those living with spinal cord injury is to be applauded.
SCIA continues to collaborate with Spinal Cure Australia in the area of research and we congratulate them on their efforts and the announcement by the Berejiklian government.
Whilst the news is fantastic, clinical research take time and there are 15,000 Australians living with spinal cord injury today; and there will be another tomorrow, and the next day.
This is why SCIA continues to strive to offer its exercise, advocacy, employment, information, accommodation and peer support services to all those living with spinal cord injury, as we have done for over fifty years.
For further information, contact Simon Gerathy at 1800 819 775.