SCIA and The Accessible Group Partnership Launch

At Spinal Cord Injuries Australia, we believe that accessibility should not be a barrier to going away on holiday, which is why we have partnered with The Accessible Group to promote Accessible Accommodation and Accessible Experiences.

We have come across many incidents regarding unsuitable holiday accommodation, which claims to be accessible, yet simple things such as doors being too small or steps in the complex, had been overlooked by the provider.

The Accessible Group has a three-stage accredited system, which categorises accommodation into: assisted walkers, independent wheelchair users and assisted wheelchair users. Along with a comprehensive questionnaire to assess the facility, their website also has video footage of the accommodation, offering that assured peace of mind, that it is indeed accessible. 

Watch the event recording on our YouTube channel.

When: Wednesday June 16
Time: 1pm AEDST

Where: Microsoft Teams (click the link above to view the event on our YouTube channel)

We will be talking about travel and accommodation accessibility, our vision for growing employment opportunities in the tourism sector and how you can get involved.

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