Refocus this February with SCIA’s Engage Program

Refocus this February with SCIA’s Engage Program

SCIA will be holding our free, online program Engage starting February 22, 2022. Engage is a group-based program over 10 weeks for anyone in Australia, with an acquired disability that explores meaning and purpose following a big life change. As part of the 10 week...
Service providers needed for our Chatswood House SIL

Service providers needed for our Chatswood House SIL

SCIA is looking for a suitable service provider that can meet the dynamic needs of our residents at Chatswood House in New South Wales. Our Chatswood House operates under the Supported Independent Living model of care, supporting four residents with complex high level...
End Exclusion of Older Australians from Disability Support

End Exclusion of Older Australians from Disability Support

More than 60 organisations across the health, disability and ageing sectors have released a joint statement urging the Federal Government to end age discrimination in disability support and give older Australians living with a disability but who are excluded from the...
Volunteer to make your community more accessible

Volunteer to make your community more accessible

During Volunteer Week (18 – 24 May), SCIA is supporting WheelEasy by inviting you to share your knowledge of all things accessible. WheelEasy is a one-stop website for you to find accessible cafes, restaurants, toilets and more! As part of Volunteer Week (18 – 24...