2024 Election of the Board of Directors

Nominations are called for the following positions on the Board of Directors for Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA):

  • Two elected directors

When nominating, members are asked to have regard to the following eligibility criteria for elected directors:

  • Must be a voting member of SCIA
  • Cannot be an employee of SCIA
  • Must ordinarily live in Australia
  • Must provide a written nomination and consent to act as a director, signed by two members of SCIA, in the format described below.
  • Cannot be a suspended member and must not be disqualified from being a director under the Corporations Act 2001 and the Australian Charities and Not-for-profits Commission Act 2012

Please note that SCIA’s Constitution requires that “the majority of the Board by number must comprise persons that have a severe physical disability”.  The current composition of the Board requires that both positions for nomination this year must be filled by persons with a severe physical disability.

Nominations should be accompanied by a profile statement (in Word format and no more than 200 words) and a photo from the nominee. The profile statement should include details about the nominee’s qualifications, experience, biographical notes,  vision for SCIA and details of any other directorships.

A copy of the elected director’s nomination form and consent to act can be accessed here.

Nomination forms should be sent and received by the Company Secretary by no later than 5pm on Thursday 24 October, 2024.

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