Inclusion Workshops

WHAT PEOPLE ARE SAYING Undertaking Inclusion Training with SCIA was a transformative experience for McGregor Coxall. The firsthand perspective shared by Robert [SCIA] with lived experience in public realm design was impactful, educational, and eye-opening. Hearing...

Participate in research – washbasins in public accessible toilets

Researchers at UNSW Sydney and GWA Caroma are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the space requirements of wheelchair users at public accessible washbasins. If you are a person who uses a wheelchair for community access, over 18 years of age, live...
2021 Medical Imaging Feedback Results

2021 Medical Imaging Feedback Results

In 2021, in Partnership with the Physical Disability Council of NSW, Paraquad NSW, Muscular Dystrophy NSW and the Cerebral Palsy Alliance, SCIA commissioned a survey to investigate the experiences of people with disabilities when accessing medical imaging / diagnostic...