NSW, WA and SA refuse commitment to inclusive National Construction Code

The Building Better Homes Campaign, a coalition of peak disability bodies and agencies including SCIA, advocated for the inclusion of mandatory minimum accessibility standards within the National Construction Code (NCC).

Although a majority of state and territory leaders voted in favour of the change, unfortunately New South Wales, South Australia and Western Australia has committed to implementing the NCC.

In a response letter to SCIA, NSW Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation Kevin Anderson MP said:

“The proposal will require every single new home or apartment to be constructed to these higher, more expensive standards adding to the cost for all purchasers regardless of their accessibility needs…

In this regard, the NSW Government does not support the inclusion of minimum accessibility standards in the NCC as currently proposed. The changes will have negative impacts on housing affordability and the construction sector, and will also come at a significant cost to the community.

Furthermore, other more flexible and balanced approaches, including the nonregulatory options proposed in the analysis were not fully explored.”

If you live in NSW, SA or WA we encourage you to get in touch with your state Building Minister, share your story and let them know you support accessible housing.

Here is a list of who to contact:

New South Wales Minister for Better Regulation and Innovation – The Hon Kevin Anderson MP

South Australia Minister for Planning and Local Government – The Hon Vickie Chapman MP

Western Australia Attorney General; Minister for Commerce – The Hon John R Quigley LLB JP MLA

For more information about the Building Better Homes Campaign head to https://www.buildingbetterhomes.org.au/ or contact our Policy and Advocacy Team at info@scia.org.au.

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