Be Brave. Make Change.

Last week I was asked my why SCIA, as a ‘for purpose’ organisation, which is focussed on disability should celebrate Reconciliation Week. Today I am sharing why SCIA is proudly supporting Reconciliation Week from the 27th of May – 3rd June.

People with a disability know well what it feels like to be overlooked – office buildings with inaccessible toilets, carpark entrances where the buzzer requires getting out of the car – the list is long. At SCIA we work hard to advocate for the rights of people with a disability in physical and social spaces. We strive for a Social Model of Disability where society adapts to include everyone’s circumstances for the benefit of all.

Similarly, when we think of Reconciliation Week. First Nations Peoples voices, historically and still today, have been overlooked in our political and social landscape. Reconciliation means many things but most certainly includes legal, political, and social recognition. Through respectfully listening to the voices of our First Nations Peoples we can create a society where everyone is valued equally.

At SCIA, we have launched our Reconciliation Action Plan, we are rolling out Cultural Competence Training and all employees are encouraged to participate in a Reconciliation Week event. If all organisations and their employees commit to “Be Brave. Make Change.” no matter what our core business we will have a more inclusive Australia for everyone.

Dianne Lucas

CEO – Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

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