Help our Peer and Family Support team this Christmas

Bianca was living her dream working in the Royal Australian Navy as a drone operator. However, in a split-second Bianca’s dreams were literally crushed, leaving her paralysed from the waist down.

The journey after a spinal cord injury can be incredibly challenging, which is why the lived experience of SCIA’S Peer and Family Support team is so critical. 

Clients often tell us that the day they met the Peer and Family Support team was the day that they felt hope for the first time since their accident.

Bianca recalls the incident vividly: “When I hit the ground, I was in shock that I was still alive, I remember the sensation draining out of my legs and it was at that moment when I knew that I had some very serious injuries and my life would change forever”.

Five-months into her recovery at Prince of Wales hospital, Bianca was introduced to our Peer and Family Support team and instantly connected with team member Jess who is a similar age. Jess experienced a spinal cord injury in a car accident when she was 7 years old, and has a lifetime of lived experience and practical advice to share with Bianca.

Bianca was inspired by Jess’ story and achievements and said to her grandma “If she can do it, I can do it”. Bianca was able to see that not only could she live with a spinal cord injury, but with the right support and a positive attitude, she could thrive.

“Jess showed me that there really weren’t any boundaries even though you’re in a wheelchair, you can still do everything. Without the Peer and Family Support team I wouldn’t have had the confidence to get back out in the world and I definitely wouldn’t have got back into the surf which has really contributed to my overall happiness and hope for the future.” Bianca said.

Read the full story here.

This Christmas, we ask that you consider making a special donation to help us to continue to run the Peer and Family Support service which is largely self-funded. People like Bianca need our team to provide the hope and inspiration to rebuild their dreams and goals.

Donate here and help us continue to make an impactful difference.

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