Freedom? Independence? Love to Drive?

These are just three of the key reasons why Total Ability works hard to help more people with disability get behind the wheel and they’ve been doing it for 10 years now!

Total Ability is delighted to launch their new Complete Guide to Driving with Disability.

It’s a FREE step-by-step guide that breaks down and makes the process of getting to drive easier. The aim is to get this to as many people as possible, including Occupational Therapists and potential drivers out there who never thought they could drive.

Whether you love to drive or would love to drive.

This Guide is for people who:

  • Are learning to drive for the first time.
  • Have acquired a disability and are now getting back to driving.
  • Are current drivers who could (maybe should) upgrade to new equipment.
  • Are people who have given up on the idea of driving, unaware new equipment may make it possible.

Whether you are self-funded, or going through a funding body like the NDIS, there’s no doubt negotiating the approval process and paperwork is a challenge. This guide helps navigate the process and point you in the right direction of who to contact to get the process started.

Technology has advanced so much in the last 10 years, it has made the opportunity to drive for many people with disability no longer an impossibility and a more ergonomic experience with electronic accelerators and high-tech equipment.

The Guide is full of links to National and State bodies for more information as well as taking you through the history of hand controls and how they have evolved over the last 100+ years.

We encourage you to download the booklet from the Total Ability website. If you prefer, we can send you a hard copy of the Guide, please contact us on 1300 858 410 or at

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