Disability Royal Commission

The First Hearing of the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability began last week in Townsville, Queensland.

SCIA’s Advocacy & Policy Manager, Tony Jones, welcomes the commission, “Many disability organisations have been calling for the Royal Commission for a number of years. It will provide an avenue for people to express the abuse, neglect and discrimination they have experienced.”

“Abuse is rife, particularly for those unable to literally speak for themselves. We shouldn’t be surprised or shocked by what we find out,” he says.

SCIA is committed to providing advocacy to anyone wishing to engage with the Royal Commission. If you would like support please email us at info@scia.org.au or call 1800 819 775.

To watch the webcast from the First Hearing or to read more about the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse Neglect and Exploitation of People, please visit https://disability.royalcommission.gov.au/

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