Feedback, Compliments, Complaints

Feedback, Compliments, Complaints

Feedback, Compliments and Complaints

We invite our members and clients to let us know when we have done something well, exceeded your expectations and had a positive impact. We also encourage you to share with us what you think we can do differently and let us know when you are unhappy. Our team are committed to excellent customer service and we know we can only improve by asking our community to continually let us know how we are doing.

Please submit your feedback:

SCIA’s Feedback, Compliments & Complaints Policy

We recognise the rights of our clients and members and we encourage everyone to contact us directly with any feedback. At SCIA, we recognise the importance of feedback, compliments and complaints as an opportunity for the organisation to continuously improve. We also encourage you to share with us what you think we do well; and also what you think we can do differently. 

If you would like to provide feedback to SCIA, you may:

  • Provide your feedback directly with the SCIA staff member.
  • Complete the SCIA Feedback Form.
  • Mail a letter to PO Box 397, Matraville NSW 2036. (Please remember to include your contact details.)
  • Call 1800 819 775.
  • Email us on
  • What is a complaint?

    A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction made to or about an organisation, related to its products, services, staff or the handling of a complaint, where a response or resolution is explicitly or implicitly expected or legally required (AS/NZS ISO 10002:2014 Guidelines for Complaints Management in Organisations).

    Guiding principles for complaints management

    Our Complaints policy and approach is guided by and developed to comply with the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints Management and Resolution) Rules 2018. The following principles apply to the management of complaints received by SCIA:

  • All clients will be informed, as early as possible, on how and where complaints can be made.
  • The complaint management process is easily accessible and provides opportunities for escalation and review including support to make a complaint to the NDIS National Quality and Safeguards Commission (“NDIS Commission”).
  • All complaint information is kept confidential and complainants have the option to remain anonymous when they submit a complaint.
  • Our aim is to resolve complaints quickly and informally where possible.
  • Complaints are acknowledged, assessed and managed in a fair, efficient, and timely manner.
  • People making the complaint will be supported, kept informed and will not be adversely affected because a complaint is made by them or on their behalf.
  • Clear communication is maintained throughout the complaints process, and the complainant will be informed of progress and action taken or to be taken to resolve the complaint.
  • Complaints process

    SCIA staff will aim to resolve your complaint quickly and informally where this is possible. Where quick and informal complaint resolution is not possible, we will:

    • Acknowledge your complaint within two working days.
    • Keep you informed including to involve you should further input be needed.
    • Do our best to resolve the complaint within 10 working days.
    • Notify you of the outcome of the complaint review process including any action taken or to be taken.
    • Support you to make a complaint to external bodies including the NDIS Commission should you not be satisfied with the complaint outcome.

    How to lodge a complaint

    There are several different ways to lodge a complaint with SCIA:

  • Raise your concerns directly with the SCIA staff member.
  • Complete the SCIA Complaint, Compliment and Feedback Form above.
  • Mail us a letter outlining your grievance to PO Box 397, Matraville NSW 2036. (Please remember to include your contact details.)
  • Call 1800 819 775.
  • Email us at
  • How to escalate a complaint

    If you are not satisfied with the complaint outcome offered by the SCIA staff member you are able to escalate as follows:

  • Escalate to the staff member’s manager for review. The manager will take over communication as part of this review.
  • If further escalation of the complaint is needed, it should be referred to SCIA’s CEO.
  • External review

    You have the right to make a complaint to the NDIS Commission at any time, and SCIA staff will provide information and support to you to do this including where you are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaint made to SCIA.

    If you would prefer to contact the NDIS Commission directly, you can find more information on how to raise a complaint on the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission website.

    If you disagree with the decision that the NDIS Commission has made about your complaint you can raise your concerns with the Commonwealth Ombudsman. The Ombudsman investigates complaints from people who believe they have been treated wrongly, unfairly, unjustly or discriminated against by an Australian Government department or agency. The NDIS Commission is a government agency.

    If you are a recipient of SCIA’s Advocacy services, you can also raise a complaint with the Complaints Resolution and Referral Service which is a free service for people with disability who are users of Australian Government funded: Disability Employment Services (DES); Australian Disability Enterprises (ADE); and/or Disability Advocacy services.