Case Study: Aligned Corporate Residences

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Case Study: Aligned Corporate Residences

Our Journey Towards Inclusivity and Accessibility


Aligned Corporate Residences (ACR) stands out as a distinguished provider of tailored serviced apartments, embodying a commitment to hospitality. Recognising the unique needs of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) sector, ACR takes pride in offering personalised accommodation for both short and long-term stays. With a focus on inclusivity, ACR has earned accreditation as one of the few NDIS-approved accommodation providers in the VIC & QLD markets. The dedicated staff at ACR go above and beyond, taking the time to understand each resident’s name and their individual personalised requirements.


ACR recognised that to truly accommodate individuals with accessible needs, a deeper level of understanding beyond traditional measures like grab rails and accessible bathrooms was necessary. This insight led them to evaluate how their services and facilities in Kew & Williamstown (Victoria), and Mackay & Townsville (Queensland) could be improved for better accessibility. Aiming to enhance their tailored approach, ACR questioned what changes could significantly impact their residents’ experience. Focusing on addressing the diverse needs of those with varying disabilities, they sought to determine if their current efforts were sufficient and explored additional ways to improve the overall experience for their residents.

To meet this challenge, ACR set a goal to elevate the resident experience by contemplating, “What would make a REAL difference to the stay of our residents?” The focus extended beyond physical accessibility, to embracing the diverse needs of residents with different disabilities.


In response to their challenge, ACR’s pursuit led to the introduction with Spinal Cord Injuries Australia (SCIA) Inclusion team and participation in the SCIA accommodation training program. This program empowered ACR staff with insights and skills to create a truly inclusive environment for their residents.

The Accommodation program, facilitated by SCIA trainers with lived experiences, provided ACR staff with practical knowledge on what works and how to effectively overcome obstacles where facilities may not necessarily meet specific needs. The training prompted a shift in perspective for the ACR team, enabling them to see the accommodation space through the eyes of their clients.

Decision makers

Understand the business case for now and in the future.

Team Members

Boost confidence and ensure a high standard of service delivery.


Tailoring the accommodation and personalising their services to suit the specific needs of residents is something that ACR have always done and are proud of.

The SCIA program helped elevate how important personalisation is by reinforcing the message that no two travelers are the same, regardless of ability. Everyone is different and has different needs, and that is more pronounced in the accessibility space.

The training allowed the ACR team to develop a more in-depth understanding of accessible residents’ everyday lives, and the things that may not be obvious, but are game changers in terms of elevating an experience way beyond expectation. Listening to the real-life stories signified the importance of what ACR is doing, and how they can really make a difference to someone’s world especially when needing to stay in accommodation outside of their own homes.

“The SCIA training made what we do at ACR so much more meaningful, and reinforced what we do and what really matters. Your training also has proved a tool to educate our team on the why”.


In embracing the SCIA program, ACR not only meet legal requirements but surpassed these by creating an environment that genuinely caters to the diverse needs of residents. Through their commitment to inclusion, ACR stands as a beacon in the hospitality industry, setting a high standard for accessible and personalised accommodation experiences.

To learn more about this course visit our website:

“The real-life stories shared by the SCIA Team in the Training Program are impactful and really hit home. Learning of their struggles not only raises awareness, it helps you realise how much you can do, to make a difference to someone’s world.”

Ms. Toni Veljanovski
Head of Global Relationships & Marketing