NDIS Price Increase FAQ

  • What does “indexation” mean?

    Indexation is a system or technique used by organizations or governments to connect prices and asset values to inflation. This is done by linking adjustments made to the value of a good, service or other metric, to a predetermined index.

  • How will I know my plan amount has increased to cover the higher service price?

    If you are self-funded and manage your funds through the portal, you will see that these increases should have taken affect automatically. If you are plan managed or utilise a support coordinator, please contact you them to discuss your plan entitlements.

    Irrespective of how you manage your funds, you are able to view your funding via the NDIS Participant portal.

  • Do I need to sign a new service agreement?

    No, you don’t need to sign a new service agreement. Your existing agreement has a provision around increased costs.

  • NeuroMoves is already very expensive, how can I afford to continue?

    NeuroMoves offers a range of services, including lower cost options such as small group classes and gym. We can develop a program to suit your budget and goals.

    We do understand that there have been some significant changes to prices and we don’t want anyone to be disadvantaged by these, and will therefore continue to offer a subsidy on a case by case basis.

    If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact Leah Sholer at lsholer@scia.org.au, or Claudia James at cjames@scia.org.au or call us on 1800 819 775.

  • Why do I need to pay an increase in NeuroMoves fees?

    An increase in pricing in line with the NDIS changes is necessary for us to continue to deliver our high quality service. We would like to assure all clients that we will be using these funds to upgrade our facilities and equipment, and will also be introducing a new SMS reminder program in the coming months, to help clients keep track of their sessions in a more convenient way. We are constantly looking at how we can improve the quality of the service we provide, and the processes we are using, and always appreciate feedback and input from our clients on these areas.

    It is important to us to continue to facilitate cost effective access to our services, whilst also ensuring that we have a sustainable organisation. We started all of our highly valued services so that these programs would be available to as many people as possible and this continues to be our goal.

  • My current NDIS plan ends before August 1, which price schedule will I be on?

    The new prices will not be implemented until August 1, 2019.

  • I’ve already had my NeuroMoves services funded through (NDIS, icare, LSA, etc.), how will the increase in price affect my approved hours?

    All clients who have a funding agreement through a third party, such as another insurance company, will move onto the new prices when their current agreement ends or by 1st October 2019, whichever occurs first.

  • Has the cancellation policy for NeuroMoves changed?

    Yes, in line with the NDIS price guide update there is no limit to the number of cancelled sessions that can be charged in the period of a Service Booking between a provider and participant.

    To support clients in minimising cancellations we will be rolling out an SMS appointment reminder system over the coming months.

  • Can I pay for my 12 month membership in instalments?

    If you are unable to pay the full 12 month membership, we have the option of paying for a 6 monthly membership, or per session.