Have The Nerve – Talent Wanted

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Have The Nerve: A Podcast About Disability

Talent Wanted

Can you help us?

Spinal Cord Injuries Australia recently launched our brand new podcast Have The Nerve, and we’re looking for people who are keen to have a chat!

Based on feedback given by our clients, customers and external stakeholders we want to tackle the following topics:

  • Farming and farmers with a spinal cord injury or similar neuro condition
  • Ageing and disability
  • Parenting and Disability (parents who have children of all ages, parents of all genders)
  • People from a Cultural And Linguistically Diverse (CALD) who have a spinal cord injury
  • People with disabilities who have come to Australia as refugees
  • Sexuality and Disability in the LGBTQI+ community
  • Drag Queens and Kings who identify in the LGBTQI+ community
  • Sex therapist that helps people with spinal cord injuries and other neuro disabilities
  • Inclusive sex education in the school system
  • If you are someone who may be able to help, or know anyone please email community@scia.org.au

    Have The Nerve is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services. Visit www.dss.org.au for more information.