
Assistive Technology
Assistive Tech Unveiled: Solutions for Enhanced Bedroom Pleasure

Woman,Holding,Half,Of,Juicy,Grapefruit,On,Color,Background ,Erotic

Assistive Technology
Assistive Tech Unveiled: Solutions for Enhanced Bedroom Pleasure


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Woman,Holding,Half,Of,Juicy,Grapefruit,On,Color,Background ,Erotic

Want something for the bedroom? Or any room for that matter! Candice Care-Unger from Care Rehab has provided some ideas for assistive technology to help you with sexuality after your injury, whether you’re in a relationship, dating, conceiving or you just want to go it alone 😉
Let’s come straight out with it, shall we?


Constriction device AKA “Cock rings”

How does it work? It slows down blood flow to help maintain erections sufficient for sexual intercourse. It can even increase sensation and doesn’t have to be just for intercourse. This handy device can be used for masturbation and oral sex. The basic principals you want to keep in mind: Never wear it longer than 20 mins, and keep it stretchy! Ideally you want a vibrating one as well, keeps the fun going for you and your partner. They are mostly waterproof and can be washed with soap and water. They are mostly rechargeable with a USB connector and you can get years from this product.

Price range: between $8 – $335.00 AUD (depending on how fancy you want to get)

Hot Octopuss Duo

How does it work? Particularly for people with an SCI who are trying to get back into masturbation, the Hot Octopuss Duo is a great start, because you don’t need to have an erection to give it a go. It has frenulum stimulation. Designed by someone with a spinal cord injury, it allows people to see what kind of ejaculatory reflex function might still be possible. This can be used with or without PDE5i medications.

Price range: $199.95- $220 AUD

Fun Factory Sex Assistive Tech – All of them!

How does it work? Fun Factory products have adapted handles so you don’t need to have full hand function to be able to use their products. One of their most popular products is the Manta Vibrating Stroker. Often people, particularly with some sensation (ASIA B, C or D) find the device quite pleasurable, or if you want deep cervical stimulation the Stronic is  considered a popular choice for women wanting to explore what sensations they can feel post injury.

Price Range: $169.95 – $179.95 (Manta)

$199.95 – $285.95 AUD (Stronic)

The Womanizer Clitoral Stimulator

How does it work? The Womanizer puts the focus directly on the clitoris and uses soft pressure waves with multiple impulse settings. It is small, so if you don’t have a lot of mobility in your hands, you may need to consider a hand grip aid (the same kind used for applying make up or lifting weights). There are some easy off the shelf modifications to this item to make it functional for everyone.

Price range: $119.95 – $329.95 AUD

The Rabbit Vibrator

Made famous by Sex and the City but still a classic option.

How does it work? The Rabbit vibrator provides clitoral stimulation as well as penetrative stimulation, because a lot of people need clitoral stimulation. There is some evidence that suggests that women post spinal cord injury can still experience an orgasm with deep cervical stimulation so this would be perfect for people wanting to explore a bit more! Not all rabbits are created equal- you want to consider things like the materials it is made from, the battery rechargeability etc. Try holding them to see if the weight is something you like and can manage.

Price range:  $29.95 – $189.95

The Liberator Wedge Ramp Combo

How does it work? Getting into your desired position is important. This product is great for a whole bunch of positions, but as demonstrated in the Mitchell Tipper sex and paralysis videos, they can also be used on your lap so your partners weight is spread across your legs and this is a bit easier for oral sex as well. Check out the videos for some inspiration for how you might use them.

Price range: $474.95- $550 AUD

Hammock-style sex sling

How does it work? Depending on the type of sex you want to have a sling hooked from the ceiling can get you into a whole heap of positions! This is not just for BDSM, sex slings, or swings, can attach to doors, or permanently to the ceiling and provide extra physical support for people with disabilities because they include extra straps for the legs and the arms if needed.

P.S. make sure you’ve checked weight limits, and if you happen to use a sling to transfer, Candice says you’ve pretty much got a sex swing already there! (we cannot emphasise how much you need to check the weight limits first!)

Price range: $269.95 AUD (sex Sling)

Ferticare 2.0 Medical Vibrator

How does it work? Ferticare 2.0 works by using different frequencies and amplitudes of vibration to the penis to promote the ejaculatory reflex necessary for ejaculation. According to their website, this works best with T10 SCI and above but remember if you have a T5 level or above injury this may easily trigger your AD so you need a plan for the first time you use this. One pad is placed on the Dorsum of the penis, and another pad is placed at the frenulum and has been very effective for ejaculation function and this is important for folks exploring family planning options. Both POWH and RNSH spinal units have a sexuality and fertility unit, that can support you to explore vibro ejaculation, especially if you are worried about the costs of the unit or experiencing AD.

Price range: $1450.00 – $2200.00 AUD

Home items for sexy play? Yes! Sometimes known as a “pervertible”

Why not consider…

  • Feathers
  • Ice
  • The Shower head (The Womaniser has a Clitoral Stimulator Shower Head attachment for those interested)

There are a million options available to people, and sometimes a trip to your local sex store can be an enjoyable outing or cruising the many online adult stores who can deliver pleasure right to your door step might spark some inspiration.

Something to remember, is many of these items can be funded as low cost assistive technology- as they can provide so much functional support.

For those looking for someone to talk to about sexuality after injury, Care Rehab specialises in social work and psychosexual therapy for people with injury, illness or disability. For more information about Candice and her team visit Care Rehab.

Candice Care-Unger appears with Arlyn Owens on our our podcast Have The Nerve in Episode 10 Psychosexual Exploration, Sexual Self-Esteen and Disability.

