
Emergency Preparedness
Pets in Crisis – Services and Supports


Emergency Preparedness
Pets in Crisis – Services and Supports


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia

Service animals are of huge importance to our community and keeping your animal safe during an emergency is paramount. Here are some resources that may be helpful for you in the event of a crisis.

Approximately 50 per cent of women in violent relationships reported that their violent partner had hurt or killed one of their pets. The study also revealed that 33 per cent of these female pet owners, who were now living in crisis accommodation, had delayed leaving their violent relationship because of concerns for their pet’s welfare.

RSPCA Victoria – Preparing your pets in an emergency

RSPCA New South Wales

RSPCA Western Australia – Pets in Crisis Program

RSPCA South Australia – Helping pets and people in family violence situations

RSPCA Queensland – Pets in Crisis Program: Supported by the Petbarn Foundation

Family Violence Response Centre, Safe Steps – Pets in Crisis

NSW Government Communities and Justice – I have pets and I’m experiencing domestic violence

Article: Industry Pet News – Support needed for pets in domestic violence situations (May 22, 2024)
