
Locomotor Training, more than just a shiny tool for SCI Recovery

NeuroMoves in the United States for Locomotor Training

Locomotor Training, more than just a shiny tool for SCI Recovery


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
NeuroMoves in the United States for Locomotor Training

Navigating life with a neurological injury, such as a spinal cord injury (SCI), presents a multitude of challenges. One of which is meeting the intensities required for physical and neurological change to occur. We, in the health professional world, know that to make any form of physiological or neurological change, there are key areas that need to be ticked off to ensure adaptation occurs. Looking at the basic principles of plasticity (intensity, meaningfulness, repetition, specificity, challenging and timing) and how we apply these is clear for progress to occur (i.e. constraint induced movement therapy, skill acquisition, strength adaptations). In very basic terms, we need to work hard, and often, towards things that matter to us to experience progress or change. This, when lined up against how many people with a neuro condition are reaching or exceeding the physical activity guidelines (being very sub optimal), demonstrates a clear divide for what we know is healthy, and what is happening at the coalface. 

Recovery aside, reaching the appropriate dosages of exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy life and addressing the myriad of secondary health concerns that persist well beyond the move from the care of a hospital wing to the community setting. Many neurological injuries alter many of the subconscious / autonomic bodily systems as well as the body’s response to exercise. The complexities of such injuries are compounded further by the daunting task of sustaining health-promoting habits. It can be difficult to decipher what is available and appropriate for people to meet or exceed what is recommended to address these secondary health concerns and target aspects of their health that are not traditionally “rehabilitation focused” (i.e. how often I need to catheterise). 

Locomotor Training at NeuroMoves
Locomotor Training at NeuroMoves

Often, exercise comes in the form of structured and intensive exercise therapies. One such modality is Locomotor Training (LT) and is one modality of exercise that aligns and exceeds the recommendations for physical activity by achieving the prescribed moderate to high-intensity exercise levels. Locomotor training also has an emphasis on ongoing change, and should this change not occur, transition to more appropriate interventions is recommended. The structured nature of locomotor training sessions, involving repetitive, task-specific movements at vigorous intensities, allows individuals with SCI to engage in a form of aerobic activity at levels meeting and surpassing the WHO’s guidelines as well as meeting the neurplastic principles mentioned above. Through body-weight-supported training participants can attain and sustain intensities necessary to promote cardiovascular health, metabolic improvements, and recovery focused interventions that extend beyond physical capacity measures. This unique convergence of locomotor training and the WHO exercise guidelines not only addresses the locomotor principles for optimised neurological recovery but also serves as a powerful means to fulfill the recommended exercise intensity, fostering enhanced metabolic function and improved overall well-being for individuals with a spinal cord injury. 

Locomotor training promotes a platform to obtain physical health outcomes in a very empowering way, but also promotes “silent” improvements of the neurological and autonomic systems. Some of these are an improved trunk control, bone mineral density, quality of life, improved bowel and bladder sensation and function, reduction in muscle spasms and pain symptoms. For those with an incomplete or ambulatory neurological conditions, LT promotes increased muscle length and joint mobility, improved walking speed, improved walking independence, endurance, balance and gross motor skill as well as a decreased asymmetry of gait. Undoubtably there are compounding positive effects on well-being, quality of life and perceived life satisfaction. For someone that experiences exercising from a wheelchair on a regular basis, working hard at eye level cannot be understated for its impact and meaningfulness. 

Locomotor training demonstrates one way to enhance recovery whilst addressing several of the secondary health concerns associated with disability by adequately exceeding the recommendations of intensity of exercise for those with a neurological condition. LT training simultaneously addresses the intensities required for neurological adaptation and neuroplasticity, is intense and specific in its application and promotes positive health outcomes that extend beyond the physical. Its structured approach offers a pathway towards improving glucose metabolism, lipid profiles, and overall body composition, as well as improved neuromuscular function. The focus of LT is not to learn to walk again, but to excite the nervous system enough to provide a platform for adaptation to occur 

    Written by Jessica Hansson and Alex Batho, Exercise Physiologists


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