I’m a person with disability and experiencing domestic violence

By NSW Department of Communities and Justice

New South Wales Department of Communities and Justice has put together information for people with physical, intellectual, psychiatric and sensory who are experiencing violence and abuse.

You may be feeling scared, sad, ashamed and powerless. Maybe you’re afraid no one will believe you. Maybe if you speak out, you’re scared you’ll be punished.

You need to know that you are not alone. There are support services that can help you. The abuse and violence is not your fault. You do not deserve how you are being treated. And you are not to blame.

NSW Communities and Justice explains what domestic and family violence may look like for people with disability such as physical, emotional, sexual, financial and social abuse.

Our Policy and Advocacy team offer Individual Advocacy for people who are experiencing hardships living in New South Wales. If you would like more information please email us at info@scia.org.au.

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