
Accessible Travel
Have The Nerve – YouTube Playlist

Have The Nerve Podcast Video Tile YouTube

Accessible Travel
Have The Nerve – YouTube Playlist


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Have The Nerve Podcast Video Tile YouTube

Have The Nerve from SCIA (Spinal Cord Injuries Australia) is a fascinating podcast that Susan Wood hosts. It focuses on various informative, engaging and popular topics about people with disability.

In every episode of Have the Nerve, our host, Susan Wood, invites and talks with experts, relevant people in specific fields or those with relevant experience. As you see from our podcast list, we have released 19 episodes covering almost every aspect of disability.

They share with us lots of valuable information, practical knowledge, and health tips for daily life. For example, Episode 3 – “What you should know about SCI and bladder management”, educates us on how vital bladder management is. They also give us some beneficial tips to improve our bladder function.

Have The Nerve - YouTube Playlist

In episode 12 – “So, How Disabled Do You Need To Be For The NDIS?” They give us detailed information before applying to the NDIS.

Following Australia’s Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Week, the latest episode has been available. In the episode, Susan and her guest, Emily Bray, a researcher and PhD candidate, discuss many challenges faced by people with disability.

We will produce more valuable content you care about with the core of people with disabilities. Meanwhile, we’re trying to spread our voice to all mainstream podcast platforms. You can find us on Spotify, Google Podcasts, Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, iHeartRadio and Amazon Music.

Now we gladly announce our YouTube playlist has been available. Please access the playlist by clicking the following blue button. If you prefer YouTube, it should be better for keeping you updated with our latest episodes. Meanwhile, all the previous episodes are accessible to inform and empower you anytime. For more detailed information, please access the page of our podcast, Have the Nerve.

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