
Disability Awareness
The Discrimination Toolkit Helps You Make a Complaint

RH 42

Disability Awareness
The Discrimination Toolkit Helps You Make a Complaint


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
RH 42

The Discrimination Toolkit: Your Guide to Making a Discrimination Complaint is compiled by Central Tablelands and Blue Mountains Community Legal Centre, Kingsford Legal Centre and the Legal Aid Commission of NSW.

The toolkit is structured with 5 sections with informative description, including

  1. discrimination basics,
  2. what you can do about discrimination,
  3. courts and tribunals,
  4. getting help,
  5. glossary.

With clear and intuitive guides, the toolkit helps us identity if we have been treated unfairly and it is against the law. Meanwhile, it provides us with many professional and comprehensive options to sort out discrimination problems formally or informally.

The Discrimination Toolkit Helps You Make a Complaint

Please access to the toolkit’s PDF file below if you would like to know more about it. Furthermore, our services will also help you be informed and empowered to live the way you want.

