
Medicinal Cannabis
Attitudes towards medical cannabis for people with SCI

RH 21

Medicinal Cannabis
Attitudes towards medical cannabis for people with SCI


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
RH 21

An observational study based on an online survey addressing attitudes toward and knowledge of cannabis among people living with spinal cord injury (SCI).

Three academic medical centres in the US participated in the study. With distribution of an online survey through email lists maintained by the 3 SCI centres, the authors received numerous data addressing a variety of aspects of cannabis use and then interviewed experts in the field of medical cannabis and spinal cord medicine.

Attitudes towards medical cannabis for people with SCI

The study is the first to assess beliefs about the attitudes toward cannabis use among a nationwide sample of people with SCI. Although limited in scope, it provides a roadmap for future research. Meanwhile, the stud also offers medical providers an initial understanding of which factors may encourage or dissuade their patients with SCI from seeking medical cannabis treatment.

Please read the full study on Nature if you would like to learn more about this topic. Moreover, the article Medicinal cannabis in Australia is better to provide you with more information about the domestic medicinal cannabis regulation.

