
Daily Living Skills
Wheelchair Skills – Wheel Stands Part Two

Video Four Wheelstands Part Two

Daily Living Skills
Wheelchair Skills – Wheel Stands Part Two


Spinal Cord Injuries Australia
Video Four Wheelstands Part Two

In part one of doing wheel stands, Jason talked about why it was such an important skill. In part two let’s put it in action in the community!

Learning to do a wheel stand can be scary at first and it takes practice. However, when you can master the skill, it comes in very handy!

In this video Jason discusses:

  1. Practicing on the spot
  2. Practicing on a single step
  3. Alternatives to wheel stands

Want more support with your wheelchair? Our Peer & Family Support team are made up of people with lived experience of of varying spinal cord injuries. We operate in New South Wales and Western Australia in the spinal units and in the community.
