A home standing program brings benefits to individuals with spinal cord injury. The following study shows more indications how a home standing program improves the overall life quality of individuals with SCI.
Additional analyses were conducted on a recently published survey of persons with spinal cord injury who used standing mobility devices. Frequency and duration of standing were examined in relation to outcomes using chi square analyses. Respondents (n = 99) who stood 30 minutes or more per day had significantly improved quality of life, fewer bed sores, fewer bladder infections, improved bowel regularity, and improved ability to straighten their legs compared with those who stood less time.
Compliance with regular home standing (at least once per week) was high (74%). The data also suggest individuals with SCI could benefit from standing even if they began several years after injury. The observation of patient benefits and high compliance rates suggest that mobile standing devices should be more strongly considered as a major intervention for relief from secondary medical complications and improvement in overall quality of life of individuals with SCI.
Please visit the National Library of Medicine for the full study. Moreover, our NueroMove exercise service also provides you with a specialised exercise therapy.