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Lara Grimson at hydrotherapy

The Bucket List: What Do I Wish For In Five Years Time?

Dear Future Me, In five years, I want to tick everything off my bucket list. I want to meet lots


Elise’s journey to independence

It’s fair to say Elise* has always been at the heart and soul of her community. But one day, on

Celebrating Strength in Community: Recognising the community of carers, friends and families after an SCI

Two-thirds of people with spinal cord injury agree that ‘the role of family in terms of emotional, physical and financial

Self Defence for People with Disabilities

Self-defence is important for everyone. Here are some resources we've found that may help you develop your skills to feel

Ultimate World Cruise Tea Time

In this episode Physiotherapist Colbey Van Leeuwen talks about falls prevention for upper limbs and lower limbs.

Thoughts and Prayers

In this episode Laura Burling, Heidi Haydon and Susan Wood discuss Senator Jordon Steele-John's TikTok video.

Faith, God, Diversity and the Journey

Associate Professor Shane Clifton comes on the podcast to talk about the many lives he led before his accident and

Something To Think About – People With Disabilities Need To Pay Bills Too, You Know

In this episode of Have The Nerve, Forrest Campbell is back to talk about why the role of being inclusive

A Moment That Changed Everything

2023 Lifeline Ambassador and public speaker, Matthew Caruana, comes on to share his story.

Something To Think About – Where Is The Support For Spouses & Partners?

Forrest Campbell comes on to talk about his observations about the lack of peer support for his wife when he