Hello everyone, I hope this information is helpful to you, for Holiday and respite accommodation… https://www.accessibleaccommodation.com.au/ Accessible Accommodation is an information portal showcasing places to stay that offer varying degrees of accessibility....

Annual General Meeting 2024

Annual General Meeting 2024 Below you will find forms for Spinal Cord Injuries Australia’s 2024 annual general meeting. To download a form just click the relevant button beneath any form. For any questions relating to these forms or the 2024 Annual please email...

Peer & Family Support

100% of people tell us that having a person with lived experience helped them to adjust better to life with an injury. [SCIA Impact Survey 2022]

Participate in research – washbasins in public accessible toilets

Researchers at UNSW Sydney and GWA Caroma are seeking volunteer research participants to learn about the space requirements of wheelchair users at public accessible washbasins. If you are a person who uses a wheelchair for community access, over 18 years of age, live...