New Episode of Have The Nerve is out!

New Episode of Have The Nerve is out!

Episode 16 of Have The Nerve is out now! We talk The Psychology of grief, Pain and Complex Trauma, the different ways people manifest pain and trauma, and why the way we deal with trauma and pain in terms of disability is a lot more than the disability itself with...


Hi Guys, If you’re keen to try adaptive skiing have a look at Disabled Wintersport Australia website . They offer a number of camps over winter in both NSW & Vic. It’s very reasonably priced & most...

Accessible Accommodation   check out this great page full of helpful accessible accommodation options around Australia

I’ve had a lot of luck with the viberect in the past, however it does come with it’s downsides as im get very intense AD when using it. as long as you’re using it as directed you should be safe as long as you have any medication near by to administer...

Losing your wheelchair on an airline

Read this article this morning about a woman’s ordeal with an airline losing her wheelchair flying across the United states: Has anyone ever experienced something like this themselves? What did...